Apr 8, 2009

40 day journey: there really are no words

Here's a video illustrating a powerful story you may or may not heard before:

This story tracks back to a short story written by Dennis E Hensley called "To Sacrifice a Son: An Allegory." It is in every way an inspirational parable, attempting to remind us about God the Father's sacrifice of his son Jesus. The anguish of an earthly father having to choose between his one son and many other people can help us understand some of the emotion involved with the events of this week we are in.

Only this parable is incomplete, and if you forget this you will miss out on the true message of Easter weekend.

Jesus didn't die as the result of an accident. Though the Heavenly Father did give up his son to save mankind (the way the drawbridge keeper sacrifices his child to spare the lives of strangers), the choice was not forced upon Him by circumstance. The death of Jesus Christ was chosen... plain and simple, it was chosen for you and I. God exists inside and outside of time, and the latter allowed Him at the point of our creation to know we would corrupt the gift of freewill and turn it into rebellion. So the Son was always a part of the plan... not an accident.

Consider this - the weight of it all - and the gift of that kind of that love.

And doggone it... start giving that kind of love. Not just to people its convenient to give it to, but the ones whom it is the most difficult.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

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