Jan 23, 2009

funky town

We're almost to the end of January, which means the winter blues may likely be an issue. I know last year around this time there was a funk I was in that was so intense that my life became small - it was all about coping, settling and getting by—and I’d almost forgotten the art of bold dreaming.

  • Bold dreaming that takes off the filters of whatever the news is trying to tell me.

  • Bold dreaming that sees through pain and relational tension.

  • Bold dreaming that puts us into thriving mode instead of survival mode.

This year I'm doing better, and yet I still feel that temptation. Perhaps you do, too, and so maybe it's time to try something new in 2009 that will get rid of the "funk" potential.

Here are some quick ideas we should each try (and others that are a bit tongue in cheek):

  1. Go to a movie with someone who isn't easy to hang out with.

  2. Make fun of the Browns less this year than last year.

  3. Honor God with any finances He allows you to have/manage.

  4. Live by a budget and get out of debt.

  5. Decide to follow Jesus and get baptized (How awesome would that be?!)

  6. Anytime you hear country music, turn off the radio as you holler, "Yee Haw!"

  7. Shovel or snow blow a neighbor's driveway.

  8. Go on a diet and/or start working out.

  9. Be more attentive to others around me.

  10. Read a self-investment book monthly (i.e., leadership, relationships, marriage, small groups).

  11. Spend time with God and/or read the Bible daily.

  12. Pray daily that LeBron will re-sign with the Cavs.

  13. Quit smoking or drinking or overeating or ________.

  14. Eat more vegetables and drink more water.

  15. Start cooking healthier foods for dinner.

  16. Stop saying, "at band camp" when someone starts to tell a story by saying, "This one time..." (it just never really was that cool).

  17. Be on-time more.

  18. Stop lying when you're late about why you were late.
  19. Ask him/her out (only if he/she is on the same spiritual page as you).

  20. Help out more around the house.
  21. Volunteer for something (PTA, Habitat, Life Group, Kid's Connection)

  22. Be more encouraging (compliment someone every day).

  23. Pray more instead of worrying.

  24. Quit being a chicken and wearing relational masks when you can instead have real friendships that are quite messy yet quite authentic.

  25. Spend more time with the kids (rotate taking them on dates).

  26. Start teaching your kids stories from a quality Children's Bible.

  27. Start having a "Date Night" with your spouse every 1-2 weeks.

  28. Go to bed at the same time and same place as your spouse.

  29. Start packing a lunch to save money.

  30. Start writing (stories, poetry, music, lyrics).

  31. Improve my relationship with ____________ (i.e., my Mom, Dad, postman).

  32. Start taking notes during Connection Church sermons.

  33. Get some worship music for the car - play them loud.

  34. Start recycling.

  35. Buy fewer bumper stickers about the president (positive or negative).
  36. Stop sending chain emails to people that they've already received 10x that day.
  37. Only watch one reality TV show, reminding yourself it isn't really reality.
  38. Try to learn to juggle again.
  39. Give someone a gift on their unbirthday.
  40. Make Root Beer floats and invite some friends over to enjoy them with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I want to keep dreaming big but I am really feeling confined to things lately as I gear up for graduation.

Thanks for the post.

By the way, I would have posted sooner than later but, uh, I get these cramps in my hand sometimes and, oh nevermind.