I wasn't physically ready for this session, so I ended up sitting down in the comfy chairs of the YS Store (in the same large room as the sessions). It gave me the chance to work on my computer during the session, including some final prep for my seminar on Monday.
Oh yeah, if you're reading this and at Pittsburgh, I'm speaking on Monday - I think it's the longest title of a seminar: "Secrets from the other side: What I Learned About Youth Ministry By Becoming A Lead Pastor."
Anyway - the chair was comfy, which made me wonder how much this plays into our Sunday services for folks in our church gatherings. Recently we took out some chairs to make space for small coffee table things. So far the feedback has been positive.
I share all of this because it doesn't matter compared to Francis Chan's talk - where he sort of rips you a new perspective about what it means to live a hard, sacrificial life of discipleship.
Ironically, I wouldn't have been able to hear that had I not been able to sit in a comfy chair.
Inspirations from the opening comic, Rob McGehee...
- After last night's talk from an Asian man about how easy it is for white Christians to stereotype Asians with jokes, I wondered... can I laugh at this guy's comedy? I mean, I know he's Asian and has permission to poke fun at his heritage, but after last night it feels odd laughing at his impersonation of his Asian mom driving.
Inspirations from Marquis Laughlin...
This guy spoke a meaty, long passage of the Bible from memory.
- First off, it's impressive... I don't have seven books of the Bible memorized, nor do I sound nor look like Morpheus when I say them. This guy has it all.
- And then, it's not impressive... I mean, it is, but the average good Jew has much more memorized. And I would like to follow along somehow besides listening to him quote it... that's more my learning style. Still - you can't critique the Word of God being shared, period.
- I love it when a band decides that they're just going to sing a song everyone knows. It means they set their own agenda aside of their own songs and let people sing out. We had that chance today, which was awesome.
- However, I do dig this Starfield tune REMAIN with the chorus that proclaims: You are God with us, You're victorious, You are strong and mighty to save, for your word stands true, there is none like You, and when all else fades You remain
Here's a slice from the convention.
NYWC: Starfield - Hosanna (Live).
Inspirations from Francis Chan...
- When you’re alone with the Bible – just you and the Book – are you at peace? Do you find yourself feeling right in line with what it says? Does your life feel biblical? And what does that even mean?
- Jesus lived in a way that didn’t make sense to anyone else.
- Quote: "I’m not going to beg you to follow Jesus. I’m going to tell you how great He is and then you’ll beg to follow Him."
- The prophets of Baal had a good time of fellowship, but no fire from heaven came down.
- Jesus doesn’t know what to do with people who won’t follow Him to the cross. When He says we’re not fit for the manure pile, He means we would ruin crap. We would actually ruin crap... and for some reason that bothers Him.
- There are times when I’m alone with the Bible and I become scared to say some of the things that people need to hear but don’t want to. Some may leave, but at some point I have to know I’ve done what is true. This I must do.
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