Oct 31, 2008

nywc: inspirations from a kitchen

For those of you just jumping in, each year I make my way to a conference called the National Youth Workers Convention. It's sort of like my time to hang out with people who speak the same language I do... not that I don't get to do that with the amazing church I serve, but it's much more diverse... thousands of stories intersecting in the same place.

This is my first entry this year about this experience, and I want to show you the kitchen in the room I'm in.

It may be hard to tell, but there is nothing but guy food there. And I did say kitchen, which means we're in a room I can't afford and am only in because of a gracious person with a big heart who glues much of the conference together. It's three rooms connected together (technically, a suite), and was a gift for us.

We're so blessed in this country to even be able to recreationally reside somewhere that is bigger than many people's homes around the globe. Wow.

So, 7 guys in a big suite...

with lots of guy food...

(which means a lot of guys smells)...

at a rather powerful conference of wild Christians...

ready to engage the Creator of the Universe.

Oh, how ready we are to become practically-dangerous in our faith.

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