Mar 24, 2007

before you participate in your next church service...

I've been sending some thoughts the past few weeks to a person in our church who has the same issue I do... handling holy things and concepts on such a regular basis to the point where one can begin to forget what it's all about. And so I've started writng this Sunday morning prep email for both of us to read as a way to center ourselves around Jesus Christ and simple complexity of our faith.

Perhaps this might help you, too.


So here's a thought for the day... or rather, a question.

"Who are you?"

Think about that for a moment, but only a moment. Forget all the right answers and think about the first thought that comes to mind.




Got it?


check this out - Psalm 24:1-6:
"The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who \ live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

Who may ascend the hill of the LORD ?

Who may stand in his holy place?

He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.

He will receive blessing from the LORD and vindication from God his Savior.

Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, O God of Jacob."


That word "Selah?" It means to pause and reflect on what you have just read. Do that.


who are you?

Think about what you are about to do today.

What makes it even possible for you to sing about the sacred things of God?
Is your heart pure on its own?

Are your hands clean because you own soap?

Is your instrument or voice holy because it's used in a church service?


might Jesus Christ have something say about all of this?

And might not that reason guide the direction of your soul today?

Perhaps so much so that it overflows.

A life of thankfulness let loose to the God above all?

All of me... for all of Him...

because all of Him... is for all of me.


that sounds like worship.


Anonymous said...

Transported me back to a Thursday night when a certain worshipper brought a new song to our church - Give Us Clean Hands. Thanks for planting so many seeds in my heart and others - they continue to grow and provide fruit for others. God's peace to you, Tony. Thanks!


I nominated you for a Thinking Blogger Award. More details at Dakotaranger

tonymyles said...

Ah... memories of the Gathering, Madelyn. Thanks for that smile!

Likewise, Dakota... ahem - "It's just a pleasure to be nominated."

(I'll work on my speech just in case)

Thurman8er said...

Can I use this Sunday?

Wait, you'd never know if I used it or not.

Nevermind. And thanks.

tonymyles said...

Totally, dude.