Oct 12, 2006

millering about

I'm rereading some good stuff by Donald Miller right now. I like him... I think that if we lived next door to each other we'd loan each other ladders and stuff like that.

"The hijacking of the concept of morality began, of course, when we reduced Scripture to formula and a love story to theology, and finally morality to rules. It is a very different thing to break a rule than it is to cheat on a lover."

- Donald Miller, Searching For God Knows What


Donna G said...

I loved this book...I would love to hear him speak in person.

Jessica said...

love this man! love the way he writes....and that phrase is perfect timing for a young woman i am working with who is struggling with "why all the rules?"

tonymyles said...

There is something very inviting about a journey full of thoughts and questions.

L.L. Barkat said...

Just so long as you didn't start arguing about who gets to stay in the boat!

And, great quote you shared from his book... of course, God had talked like a lover for a long time, and somehow the Israelites missed that too... we do find our way around lovers too, perhaps in the same way we find our way around rules... by deeming them old-fashioned, ill-fitted, or out-of-synch with our needs...