Sep 9, 2024

gotta bounce

Today was the last day we will own a trampoline.

I think. Who knows. Maybe one day Katie and I will be weird senior citizens who invest into one to "stay limber."

But today was the last day we intentionally owned one as a family. As the years have gone by, and kiddos have become young men and young women, we just have used it less and less.

Meanwhile, there's a great neighbor friend across the street who has two little guys. It made sense for us to all consider to offer it. They said yes, and the countdown began.

So we decided to get in one last bounce. It happened a week ago, and it involved a sprinkler underneath it like in the younger days. I even ran out to "scare them" with a loud, maniacal laugh, and we had a blast... from playing "crack the egg" to "CRAZZZZZZY LEGGGGGGGS!"

You don't always know when the last day of something is.

Other times? You sort of do.

That's not to say I won't ever again jump on a trampoline. I'm just saying we no longer feel the need to own one.

It's like, I don't own a truck... but I know who to ask if I need to borrow a truck.

Because no matter what, you have to stay on the adventure... no matter what, you need to remain playful.

No matter what... you gotta bounce.

Because that's how you get a higher view.

That's how you see more of life.

That's how you see more of Jesus.

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3)

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