Oct 14, 2011

book review: muscular faith

Everybody who considers themselves "spiritual" or "somewhat religious" tries to have a good faith... not everybody trains for it.

I recently dug into the book "Muscular Faith" by Ben Patterson. It covers what a lot of us find out after we've taken hold of a genuine faith in Jesus Christ: faith is quite difficult and will challenge you from every angle. Those who spend the time developing the muscles of faith by exercising and training it on easier days will find what they need to stand up during the weighty seasons of life.

Picture Patterson like a personal trainer:
(1) Part one is him showing you where you're at and could be.
(2) Part two is him sharing with you what your workout could look like.
(3) Part three is him sharing with you the temptations and obstacles you'll face toward reaching your goal.
(4) Part four is him giving you words of encouragement for the short-term and long-term challenges of your faith journey.

Patterson does well with articulating his ideas, although it seems as if I've heard some of the concepts before in other books. It's a great read if you haven't dug into much of this kind of thinking before, but could frustrate those looking for something new.

Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for the free copy of this book.

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