Jul 20, 2007

how will it end?

24 hours from the time I am publishing this, Harry Potter fans will crack open their books.

As I mentioned before, I'm more of a muggle (meaning in this sense, I'm not necessarily a Harry Potter fan). What intrigues me, though, is that tonight thousands and thousands of fans globally will converge into local bookstores to find out h"ow the story ends." Even in light of alleged leaks on the internet, author J K Rowling has created quite the salt trail... and everyone seems thirsty.

Perhaps this echoes the thing I often hear in church circles when a question comes up about someone's favorite book of the Bible. "Revelation" is the winning buzz book in my experience, although my personal favorite is Genesis. Nonetheless, that last book in the 66 pieces of God's Story among mankind usually takes home the ribbon because people say they like "knowing how it all will end."

Only... both Potter fans and Revelation fans may be a bit short-sighted.

Once the Harry Potter books that go on sale tonight are read and true "ending" known, the story won't really end... because people will keep talking about it in the years to come. Then throw in the possibility for the author to reveal more to the storyline down the road and it really does show the power Rowling has to keep things going... even after the final page has turned.

Once the final events outlined in Revelation occur and the true "ending" known, the Story won't really end... because people will keep living it out in the eternity to come. Then throw in the possibility for the Author to reveal more to the Storyline down the road and it really does show the power God has to keep things going... even after the final page has turned.

So perhaps a better question is "How will it begin?" In the end, eternity begins... and in the beginning, God.

One of the reasons Jesus lived among us was so that we might learn to credibly trust in Him. In this way we might "know" the "Truth" - and the Truth would set us free. Free from fear and condemnation... and other big words we shouldn't worry about.

So whether you're a muggle or a part of the Magic...

may your questions be deeper than whatever answers you may have arrived at today...

may God continue to blow away any human conclusions you've developed at the expense of divine mystery...

may the Story never end in your mind as you submit to the pen of the one and only Author...

may you be a part of the ink on the Book of Life.


Ed G. said...

"...may your questions be deeper than whatever answers you may have arrived at today..." now that's an amazing prayer.

Reminds me that I need to work on a new answer to most questions I'm asked about my faith. How 'bout "I don't know... isn't that cool!"

Jessica said...

may God continue to blow away any human conclusions you've developed at the expense of divine mystery...

Love that. how often we come with answers that we have no clue don't even begin to explain the mystery.