Dec 12, 2006

house party time

Today my family and I found a house to turn into a home. Over the past few weeks my wife has been mega-woman and looked at hundreds of homes online. Last week we flew her out to our new city to look at around 30 or so in two days. Then this week we played the offer/counter-offer game with a family and finally came to agreement today.

For over two years my family has been wondering where our next full-time ministry opportunity will be. We've moved, moved again, and will move yet again in all that time. We've looked at so many ministry positions that I couldn't even begin to count.

How does that go on the Amazing Race for the people who first run across the mat during the last leg?

"Over 1460 days... you've searched countless web sites spanning the globe... spoken with hundreds of churches... traveled to different states and cities... lived in two houses that weren't your own... pushed through one leg after another... you are the winners of God's Amazing Grace."
It's house party time.


Anonymous said...

Wow, interesting video you have there :)

Congrats on the house!

Anonymous said...


what barbara said :)

David Malouf -- said...

Being someone who is still in the hunt for a home far away, I can say as one in the midst of the junk,


Phoenix, Arizona (for now)

Friar Tuck said...

Congrats Tony. Good to hear the good news.