Nov 12, 2006

jazzy blues

I've mentioned before that I'm reading a book by Donald Miller, one of my favorite thinkers and authors. It just so happens he's at a conference I'll be attending next week and I thought I'd email him and see if we could get together. Here's what I sent out about a week ago:
Hey Don(ald) - whichever you prefer...

My name's Tony Myles and this is my electronic attempt to connect with you in person sometime when you're in Cincinatti for the National Youth Worker's Conference. I suppose I should lay down some credentials as to why you should consider spending some time with me over some cheap appetizers, but I'd rather not go down that road... as you well know proving one's self doesn't really have much of a point (nor do cheap appetizers, for that matter).

At best all I can say is that if we lived next door to each other I think we'd loan each other ladders and borrow tools out of each others' garages without ever having to ask permission.

If that's enough, I'd love to connect over the aforementioned meaningless food (or some other kind of your approval) when we're both in the same town. Let me know, as I'd really enjoy looking forward to such a time and then actually partaking in it.

Oh, and thanks for the piece of the Kingdom work you've been handed and have been doing some rather healthy and amazing things with.


Tony Myles
After a few days, I heard back from Don's assistant.

Hi Tony: thanks so much for your kind email. Don greatly appreciates your offer for some 'meaningless' food and great conversation. Unfortunately he will need to kindly decline as his schedule is pack for the YS conference. All the best. peace

Tara D. Brown
Assistant to Donald Miller
It's nice to hear back, and it sounds like my email was well received.

But... well, I will not be taking that "no" for an answer. Don's doing a late night talk-back and I plan on sitting close enough to slip him a note with a dollar bill attached.

I know that will work...


has to.

(Insert maniacal laughter here.)


Anonymous said...

one word of advise that might also help - be sure to wear the shades you have on in this pic. I know it will be dark and all...but you will look so mysteriously, bono-sishly hip that Don(ald) will be intrigued...

Carolanne said...

Sounds like a plan.... Hope it works for you!

Anonymous said...

Very creative. It just may work..

tonymyles said...

Muh ha ha ha ha...

Anonymous said...

Very brave of you...I would have probably chickened out and deleted the email before I sent it - only after re-reading it 3 dozen times and totally obsessing about whether he would think I was some kind of weirdo.
If you do get an audience with Don(ald), please tell him that there are others besides you who think he is amazing and that "Blue Like Jazz" made a terrific impact on a young pastor during a difficult time in her life a few years ago - also something I would be too chicken to do, if I got the cool privilege of seeing him in person.
Oh, and by the way, I am totally covetous of you getting to hear him speak in person...

L.L. Barkat said...

I wonder how many appetizers he'd have to eat if he accepted all the invitations he receives? (insert Donald Miller overstuffed moans and whimpers) :)

Gigi said... were just at a conference with Bill and Wayne but don't mention you were in the audience...hmmmmm

stephanie said...

I don't know whether I should laugh or be creeped out. Hee.